How to send unlimited or 1 Million emails per day?

How to send unlimited or 1 Million emails per day?
Yes, this is possible with our Bulk Email Server Setup solution through which you can send unlimited or 1 million emails per day to multiples people with a single click.

Here are some tips to achieve this target.


1. Setup your own SMTP Email Server on VPS

If you want to send unlimited or very high volume emails like 1 million emails per day, you can do this by SMTP email server.

By taking service of already establishing email server or by setting up your own email servers.

Most of the email service provider will provide your email server on monthly rent basis or per email or per subscriber basis through which you can use their service with pay per use basis, but usually this cost you much higher.

The other solution is my setup your own SMTP server, through this you can send as many emails as you want to send to your customers and there is no monthly fee per month except VPS charges which is needed to pay to hosting service provider company like Godaddy, HostGator etc, but this will cost you only $5 per month per server and not much.

So according to me, this is the better option instead of paying 100s of dollars per month to any 3rd party company and even with you can send limited numbers for marketing emails.

So better to setup your own email server and send as many emails you want to send.

Even with is server setup you can sell emails to other like the other service provider companies. So you can use this server for your own and you share will other by getting extra money for that.

Use Genuine and valid Email Data

2. Use Web interface

Most of the people do not know the UNIX and Linux command to use this email server. But you do not have to worry in this case and once the email server has been set up, you do not have to worry or think about it what is going on the back end at the server level.

You can send email through a web interface like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Rediffmail etc. and You can use this link anywhere around the globe. also can add the unlimited contacts from excel sheet in your account and send emails to them with a single click.

You can add many users and assign email credit to them and share your server with them.

Web Interface

3. Load Balancing and IP rotation

If you will send emails in large quantity then there is a probability that your server will get blocked by the service provider, So we will make sure that your server will run without any problem.

And to avoid this we use IPs rotation technique, though this technique we rotate IPs on each mail sent in round robin fashion.

If you will send mail continuous in a large quantity then service provider monitoring tool can detect this bulk mailing and may probability that they mark this server as a spammer and will stop you to send mail in future with those IPs.

But through IPs rotation, the monitoring tools can’t detect this bulk mailing since we are using this email sending process in the round robin mean each mail with each configured IP one by one.

For example: If I send 1st mail at 10:01 with 1st IP and 2nd mail at 10:02 with another IP and so on…, so when all the IP has been used then again it start with 1st IP and it will run contineous in a cycle so there is no continuity for send emails from one single IP. For service provide it seem different-different IPs sending mails on some interval so they not blacklist these IPs from sending mails and you can save your server through IP rotation.

Load Balancing and IP rotation

4. Scalability

You can increase and desrease the number of SMTP servers based on your sending email volumes.
Kuldeep Pawar

Kuldeep Pawar

Kuldeep is a passionate and determined entrepreneur, building internet products since 2015.
He is currently leading the marketing & product management team for Goletro Technologies.


  1. Madelaine Eriksson

    Thank you for sharing very good and content..

    I was wondering if I may ask you 2 questions regarding smtp servers ?

    If you want to send 1 million emails per day…

    1. How many smpt servers would be needed

    2. how many rotating ip’s on each smtp server would be needed ?

    Thank you !

    • BulkEmailSetup

      Hi Madelaine,

      Thanks. Please find the answers to your queries.

      1. You will need 12 SMTP servers (with 10 IPs/SMTP) for sending 1 Million emails/day.

      2. There will 10 IPs/STMP and in total there will 120 IPs will be used in the rotation.

      Please find more information for sending 1 Million emails/day as follows.

  2. Nicholas Evans

    Thanks, Please how can i get video instructions on configuration? I have the Linux Vps Server.

    I dont know much about it.

    • BulkEmailSetup

      Hi Nicholas,

      Email server setup required technical knowledge and can be a very tedious task.

      Also, you need certain experience regarding this to follow all the required email marketing standards.

      Starting from setting DNS, setup your DKIM, SPF, DMARC, IP rotation, forward DNS, reverse DNS, and installing your email sending application, etc.

      It will be better if will be done by a professional.

      Hence, we are provider this email server setup service (with a fixed and one-time cost).

      You can select your plan based on your email sending volume and our team will do the rest.

      You can contact us if you will have any further regarding this, we will be glad to assist you.

  3. Siamak

    Hi could you send us information about the price and related information fir sending 1 million mail per day

  4. Jun

    Hello, I’m currently considering this program

    could I ask you some questions?

    1. this mail is going into the spam box?
    2. If I send tons of email, I can send any of the sentences?
    3. this is about the just program? if so that, I have to send the email by myself
    4. can I pay monthly?

    • BulkEmailSetup

      Please find your answers as follows. 

      1. this mail is going into the spam box?

      Email Inbox delivery depends on multiple factors.

      ISPs such as (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo, etc) will consider many things for your Inbox delivery such as your domain/IPs/server reputation, your email content, your email list, sending volumes per hour/ per day towards their user’s email IDs, Users reactions towards your emails, etc.

      Initially, your IPs/domains reputation is the neutral state and you can gain a positive reputation via your mailing. (With good and hygiene email list, good email content, and with users engagement)

      ISPs will take some time to recognize you as a genuine sender and for that, you need to you have to follow the IP warm-up process in order to get good delivery with a new setup server.

      You can read more about the email inbox delivery with the following article.

      2. If I send tons of email, I can send any of the sentences?

      Yes, you can send any type of email to promote your product or service or any business.
      Although it should not be a spam type of email.

      There is no fixed rule to avoid or use certain keywords in the email since ISPs are updating themself each and every day to avoid spam.

      We will suggest you look at your own inbox and see how Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc ISPs allow which emails to the inbox to which email they consider the spam and try to replicate the same of your own emails.

      3. this is about the just program? if so that, I have to send the email by myself.

      No, our setup is a complete solution including the email sending application as well as the delivery server (STMP).

      After the setup, you don’t need any other application or service to send these emails.

      Although our job is to create your server setup, and email sending (including contact upload, template creation, etc) has to do done by you only.

      4. can I pay monthly?

      This server setup comes with a one-time setup cost, and that why it is more economical compare to huge monthly charges.

      Currently, it is available with a one-time setup fee, although as the requirement of this server setup you have to take server (VPS), few IPs, and domain for this setup.

      You can check the costing of this server setup as follows.

      Hope this information will help, let us know if you will need any further information, we will be glad to assist you.

  5. kumar ashutosh

    hi Kuldeep,
    I am ashutosh from Hyderabad.
    I have just started an online business and need to contact many people from all over the world.
    I expect to send around 1 lakh mails per day.
    I think you have expertise and a solution for my requirement.
    Please call me on this number 83XXXXXXXX for further discussion.

  6. Venkatesan Sampath

    How to contact you as I wish to send 60,000 mail per day.

    Also will you make template and design once, if I send the contents to you ?

    How much will it cost to set up or take server (VPS), few IPs, and domain for this setup.
    approximately for sending 60 to 1 Lakh mail per day ?

    P.S. Venkat
    Mob : 94446XXXXX

    • BulkEmailSetup

      Hi Venkatesan,

      You can contact us via Skype, WhatsApp, Email, and Call.
      Email list upload, template creation, and sending need to be done by customers only.

      Our job is to create the email server setup for you.

      2 VPS servers with 10 IPs will be enough to send up to 1 lacks emails/day.

  7. Sarkari

    As you stated that 12 smtp servers are needed. can you also tell me what are required specification of system should be like
    how much size of ram, hdd etc ?

  8. Adarsh Kumar Gupta

    Greate article I get and good idead regarding SMTP


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