There are 3 types of bonce categories as follows.
Hard Bounces - A hard bounce mean...
When you will send emails to your recipients, then the inbox provider will check all the details of your email's sender.
Such as your subject line, your...
For the basic server setup, we will need 1 VPS, and 1 domain with 3 additional IPs.Virtual Private Server (VPS)...
For the advanced server setup, we will need 4 VPSs, and 4 domains with 15 additional IPs (5 IPs/SMTP).Virtual Private Server (VPS)...
For the custom server setup, we will need 2 Dedicated servers and 13 domains with 60 additional IPs.
We will create 12 SMTPs with 60 IPs (5 IPs/STMPs) on 1 dedicate...
You can always copy any existing list, so it will copy all the details you filled in the previous list and then you can import your data.
IP Warm-up Definition
IP warming is the process of methodically adding campaign volume week-over-week to a new IP Address to establish a positive sendi...
You need to put the following line in your subject line while sending the emails. Where Subject line 1, Subject line 2 and Subject line 3 will be your different-different subject lines.
You can use it via two following ways.
IP rotation
When you will create any HTML email template with hyperlink of your website page or landing page, then all the link will be replaced by your email server setup domain.
Drip emails are the automated sets of emails that go out based on specific timelines or user actions.
Please follow these two guides to send email based on specific timel...
Open your account.
Click on my account as highlighted below.
When any sender sends the email toward their recipients then before accepting t...
Actually, your email delivery will depend on multiple factors.The main factor is your sending IPs/domain reputation which only builds if you are using a good email da...
A feedback loop (FBL) is a service offered by many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that report back complaints (when a subscriber hits the spam or junk button in their inbox) to senders....
The Gmail FBL only sends aggregate data because it is designed to help high volume senders identify abuse that may be generated from their systems. It is not intended to be used as a delivery troubleshooting or complain...
Microsoft (Hotmail) was one of the first web-based email services, which launched in 1996.It's one of the most popular domains in the world ISPs....
A feedback loop (FBL) is a service offered by many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that report back complaints (when a subscriber hits the spam or junk button in their inbox) to senders....